Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blog Two: Tundra

I would like to visit a tundra biome. I love cold and open spaces. Tundras usually have these characteristics. A place that may be a tundra area would be Alaska. I have always wanted to go to Alaska. There mountains are just magnificent and there wild life seems amazing. Something that made me catch the attention of Alaska is th book Into the Wild. The young man who traveled up there certainly showed it's danger, but also the peace and quiet. I love being in the open and "one with nature". It makes me feel more connected with the earth and more alive than anything else.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blog One: Relationships Between Organisms

The only relationships that people may assume are going on on Alhambra High School are those of students. However, at a closer look, there are other relationships happening on campus. One relationship is that of worms and plants. They both need one another to survive. Worms eat the soil around plants and when they release it from there system, the soil becomes filled with nutrients, which help the plants to survive. Another of these relationships involve weeds with other plants. For instance, when weeds aren't removed, they continue to grow until they reach a plant. The weeds compete with plants on getting nutrients, and sooner or later, the plant will be defeated and die. A final relationship which is happening on campus is between humans and small mammals. Opossums usually eat the left over food of students and staff on campus. It is easier for them to do so than to hunt for their own food. Many students do not finish all there food and it stays on campus over night, waiting to be feasted on by the little, hungry critters.