I believe that around the world, because of humans greedy lives, many different biomes are being affected. It is extremly hard to pick one in specific, so I will pick the one I'm worried for the most. The one tht helped changed my life into becoming a full-on vegetarian. The oceanic biomes of the world are in great danger. These fish are very fragile. They do not know how to react to the human things in their environment. For instance, trash is being thrown straight into the ocean. Humans are littering and not caring about the end results, which will be no more ALL YOU CAN EAT SEAFOOD at "Joe's Lobster House" (made up resturant, by the way). Sea animals are eating non-recycled objects which contain toxic chemicals. This DOES effect the animals, and people DO eat those animals!
Something else with this habitat that cannot protect themselves is Dolphine slaughters and tradings that take place around the world. One infamous place would be a cove located in Japan, which was documented in the film "The Cove". This film exposed the truth about entertainment dolphines in show-case amusment parks like "Sea World". Not only entertainment, but also humans apetite for these beautiful creatures.
In the end, would it be worht it? All the new and improved devices? Devices with toxic chemicals which will effect your $30-something lobster meal. The family trips to see killer whales kill yet another trainer? Their not called killer whales for nothing and they're not meant to be enclosed. Yes, this biome is in grave danger, but so are so many, many others. The question is, "Will we be able to stop this madness?"
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